
Effortless Liquid Nitrogen Cell Stock Management.

Key Features

Streamline inventory, enhance organization, and simplify liquid nitrogen cell stock management with our intuitive app

Inventory Management

Efficiently track and manage the quantity of cell stocks. Real-time updates on stock levels, reducing the risk of running out of essential supplies.

Alerts and Notifications

Receive timely alerts for low stock levels, impending expirations, or any other critical updates, helping users stay proactive in stock management.

Cross Compatibility

Access the app seamlessly across various devices, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers, ensuring flexibility in usage.

Search and Retrieval

Quick and easy retrieval of specific cell stocks through a robust search functionality, saving time and effort.

Import Data

Effortlessly import data, enabling quick setup or updates of the inventory system and reducing manual data entry efforts

Export Data

Easily export inventory data, facilitating seamless data portability and allowing users to share information with colleagues or other departments